Thursday, April 4, 2013


So for sure you are all going to think I am totally strange but I have recently been watching some episodes of Hoarders.  For those that don't know it's basically a show about pack rats in human form.  So I have become obsessed with the fact that I am a hoarder.  Now I know some of you might have already known that but for me the first step is admitting it.  So I have admitted it.  Let's just say that Quinn watched one episode and it wigged him out.  He is very defiantly not a hoarder.  (Which totally means that he is one)  Now there are varying degrees of hoarding and I am not the highest by any means but I fear what my house will look like in a few years if I don't stop.  So I decided to clean Andrew's room and get rid of some stuff.  I took out a garbage bag, diaper box, and little box of clothes to go to D.I. plus a bag to go to Zannah.  Then I took out two bags of garbage and then I took out a black big bag of toys.  So after all that I felt like I had accomplished some but when I looked around the room I realized that I really needed to get rid of more.  But by that time, as usual, I was tired and had to get a meal ready.  But I did do some so I guess it's better than nothing.  But I have found that I do have more sentimentality than I thought.  I know Quinn is super bad about it but I guess I am too (a little).  I took a picture of this shirt because when I was pulling it out of the tote for Andrew to wear I started crying.  Yes, I am crying now.  But listen first.  I had talked on the phone just a few moments earlier with my really good friend Linda.  When I pulled this shirt out I remembered so plainly when we got it.  Robert and Linda had helped with a fun run in Bennington when Nolan was really small.  They gave away T shirts and this shirt was their son, Jonathan's.  So they gave it to Nolan.  After Nolan wore it Thomas wore it and now Andrew will wear it.  Now Linda is not like me in this regard.  She doesn't need objects around to help her remember. (Linda did you remember?)  So I have had a hard time today because I miss my friend so much.  If there was a light at the end of the tunnel maybe I would be able to deal with it better but I'm afraid there is not.  Unless I do something drastic like kidnap her.  (Watch out Robert I just might do it!!)
So here's to those of us that hang onto objects like we are sinking in the sand.  I guess a few items won't kill me, right?  So sorry to my children who someday will have to clean out my house.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh Jennifer!! I do remember that shirt! 14 years old. Time to get rid of it once Andrew is done with it!!!!!
