Sunday, April 14, 2013

Turkey Hunter

Oh a Turkey Hunting we will go ah Turkey Hunting we will go....Well that's what we did this week.  I figure since it seems to involve the whole family that I would say we instead of these boys.  On Monday it was opening day for the youth so Dad took Nolan and Thomas out of school and went down by Grandma RuthAnn and Grandpa Morris's house.  When Becca realized that she missed out on this she was Not happy!!  I stayed home and keep the home fire's burning.  They were gone almost the whole day and did not get a turkey that day.  Nolan was pretty discouraged and Dad and Thomas went and got a turkey call.  Let's just say I'm not a huge fan of the turkey call.  But Thomas sure is and he even begged to take it for show and tell on Thursday.  Which he did.
 So on Friday they decided to try their luck again.  I guess they saw some turkey's on the summit in Immigration canyon and did get those so then they saw a Moose and then made it to Grandma and Grandpa's.  I guess soon after they got there they Nolan saw a turkey and shot it.  Thomas was so upset because he wanted to call in a turkey with his new call.  So they got it and brought it home to show mom.  Now I guess I don't care if they shoot it but they are responsible for taking care of it.  That's momma's rule. 

 Nolan was carrying the turkey like a baby.  What is up with this child?
 He saved the feathers.  I'm not sure what he is going to do with them.
 Andrew was so fascinated by the turkey that he went in the house and got Becca and pulled her out to see the Turkey.
 Then dad insisted that Becca hold the turkey for the picture.  This is of her NOT holding the turkey.
 This is of her finally relenting and holding the leg for dad. 
 Don't you just love this pose?  Andrew is destined to be the SUPERVISOR in the family.  He was "yelling" out orders to them so that they would know what to do.  I wonder who he reminds me of?

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