Thursday, April 25, 2013

Surprise Visit!!!

For any of you that know Quinn's youngest brother this won't come as a surprise.  What gets me though is that I do know Quinn's youngest brother and I should know better but hey it was a surprise.  I was sitting on the couch taking it easy with the kids and someone knocked on the door (this was Sunday the 14th of April 2013) and I went to get it and there was Daren with his lovely Wife Bec and their two kids,  Will and Shane.  These are a few pictures of our short (less than 24 hrs.) time together.  This one is Thomas playing with Shane.  He really got attached.
Thomas holding Shane.  Who besides me thinks Shane looks just like his dad?
Quinn holding Shane.  I don't know if you know this but Quinn and I have an ongoing competition of who the nieces and nephews like the best.  We both have our own methods of making them loves us more.  Quinn of coarse uses candy.  I use love and affection and anything they want.  I think that's fair don't you?
So these next ones were taken the morning that they were leaving.  Andrew got a "fish" bowl for Christmas this year.  It's actually the best pet ever.  They are not real so I don't have to take care of them.  So Will saw the fish bowl and crawled up to look at it better.  Andrew followed right along.  It was kind of cute how this had captured their attention.

This is a video of Will singing the ABC's song.  It was super cute!!

So Uncle Quinn thought he could pull out all the stops right at the end.  He got his Easter basket and let Will have whatever he wanted.  I noticed that daddy, Daren, was not as keen on the idea of his son having whatever he wanted.  Paybacks stink!!! 

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