Sunday, April 14, 2013

Nolan's Adventures in Dorseyland

So here are some pictures from Nolan's time up with Grandma and Poppa during Spring Break which was the last week in March.  So yes I am slow but eventually I get it done.  Anyway he probably knows more about each pictures but he's not here and I don't have the memory anymore to remember what my mom told me that he did while up there.  I do know that the triples were in full force.  DeLaynie, Weston, and Nolan.  They were all born in 2001 and all in the month of August.  So they are triples!!!
 Here is Nolan.  You can see his cousin Wyatt in front of him.
 Here is DeLaynie up above and Weston down below.

 If you can tell who is who good luck!!

 Here is Nolan and Weston doing a little miniature golfing.  I wonder how well they did?
 I am pretty sure this is Wyatt but a little blurry.

 Here are the triplets.  Actually DeLaynie and Weton are older than Nolan but had a rougher start so they are almost the same size so that's pretty good.  While Nolan was up there enjoying the warm weather we were here enjoying snow still.  That is actually when we went snowmobiling.
 O.k. so when Grandma told me that they were playing in the water I found it hard to believe but here's the proof.

 Well here are the triplets again.  I realize recently (I'm a little slow) that Nolan is way more into FUN than I ever will be.  It is apparent in these pictures.

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