Sunday, April 28, 2013

Farming Time!!

Well we all knew it would come eventually but it's time.  Farming Time.  I am usually the first in the tractor.  I guess it's cause I do such a great job.  No, you're right it's not that.  It's more that I'm a body and that I can drive a tractor and that I actually like to do it and that there is not other option.  So after all that being said I was the first this year to harrow.  We got new harrows last year but not in time to actually use.  Imagine that.  So here they are.  I couldn't get a picture of them folded up because I was in the tractor trying to get them to unfold.  There is Quinn and Joel Teusher in the background "fixing" it. 
 So the next couple of shots are what I was seeing from the tractor.  I didn't get some of the most interesting shots though.  I was looking down at the kids by the rock bridge and saw my oldest child, Nolan chasing something.  At first glace I thought maybe it was a bird or something with it's tail in the air.  But I quickly came to the realization that it was a skunk!!!  I was yelling at him not to do it but he didn't hear me.  Big surprise.  I don't know what was going through his head.  But I think the dog got the brunt of the spray.  Nolan just wanted to kill it.  What goes through his mind sometimes.  So this is a picture out my back window.  You can see I'm kicking up some dust.  The manure is from a few loads we hauled this spring. 
 This shot is out the front window.  I don't know if you all know this or not but it is hard to get a good shot in a tractor.  It's a little bouncy.
 Here is my traveling companion.  He was really good actually.  He sat there for the longest time and then I realized that he was nodding off.  So I picked him up and held him in my arms while he slept and I drove.  It wasn't great but we got through.
 This is a picture of my kids picking rocks.  I know it's not fair.  They should have to do it on foot.  But this does speed up the process quite a bit. 
 Here is Quinn and Joel trying to get the manure spread out that we dumped last fall.  It was not a great thing but we got it done now.
 Yes that's me.  I am not particularly fond of this picture.  I have got quite the outfit on.  Pink gloves, red had, crappy sweatshirt.  And I've gain quite a bit of weigh lately.  It shows.

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