Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Well we went to a class the other day about Farm Planning and they did a little part on the personality profile that uses colors to identify the different personalities.  We had done this as a couple before and I am a Blue/Red and my dear Husband is a White/Blue.  So they were saying that Blues are extremely loyal and caring but not to loose their trust and to NEVER abandon them (Hey Linda Joel Packham was teaching the class and so I mentioned that to him) so I posted a couple of days ago about how wonderful my husband was getting me this metal tub to make a planter out of.  I am the one who saw it at the junk yard and I am the one who wanted it and I am the one who got it.  So today after our weekly business meeting I was cleaning up dinner and looked out my kitchen window and saw that Quinn had gotten the Service truck that has the welder on it out of the shed.  I thought he was being really good and having his brother Justin weld up some manger stuff that we need to get done.  So I went out to check on them and this is what I saw!!!  My Brother-In-Law welding on MY trough!!!!  I went back in and got my camera to record this ultimate betrayal!!!!  This way I will never forget.  Sorry Justin I hope you know I am the BOSS and you are now indebted to me and you have to do a BUNCH of welding for ME this summer.  So my husband tried to cover this up and act like he wasn't taking my trough to his heifers out in Georgetown.  But I can see through his deception and I am not impressed.  So my retaliation for now is this blog post.  I will think of something better later.  Oh he did try to give me a sympathy, "I give you whatever else you want, Honey." To which I promptly responded that I would like a airline ticket to North Carolina.  He laughed till he saw that I was deadly serious.  I am sure he won't come through on it though.  (I tried Linda) So now that I have blown off a bunch of steam writing this I will go and get my work done for the night (no it's never done).


 After 15 years of marriage this face does not work!!  Blue personalities do not like insincerity!!!

 So to add insult to injury he was stealing my garden hose as well.  I caught him in the act!!  Wow is nothing sacred around here?

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