Sunday, March 10, 2013

Winter Camping

 So it's that time of year when Quinn finally gets up the nerve to winter camp with the scouts.  Let's just say that the camping part is really not the reason why it takes him so long.  He didn't even get up the gumption to do it last year so I'm thoroughly impressed that he got it done this year.  Every year it seems like quite a fight to get everything arranged and the boys up there and to make sure they don't freeze to death.  So not last year but the one before they made actual igloo's.  And I hear tell that it was quite impressive and also very time consuming.  But Quinn read on the internet about Kwinze's.  I am not sure how to spell that but basically you put a but of stuff on the ground (like a couple tote bags used for feed) and then pack the snow on top of it and then eventually you take the bags out and it is a snow cave.  Pretty ingenious if you ask me. But here is where my praise stops.  This is the first year I've actually seen them with my own eyes.  I am totally hopelessly claustrophobic.  I watched my kids crawl into them (pictured above) and then Quinn crawl in and it almost sent my over the edge.  Wow is that a small hole.  It does open up a little when you get in there but I never did try it.  I was getting the cold sweats just thinking about it.  So here are the pictures of before the boys got there.

 Can you see the fear on my face?  If you can't just let me tell you that it was there.  Quinn tried to grab me and drag me in!!! 

 The kids didn't seem to mind one bit.
 So if Andrew can't even stand up I don't thing that is a good sign.

So a few years ago Matt Crane built a Tent for the leaders.  If you can't tell from the pictures it includes a stove so that they don't get cold.  I had never seen it but it is pretty nice really.  Some pallets to sleep on and some plastic and a huge stove to keep them warm.  Lets just say that it's an upgrade of the snow caves.  At least for me.  But I hear tell that it can get pretty warm in there.  This year there were only two boys that went.  Nolan Jenson and Callen Tobler.  I was pretty disappointed that there were not more but at least my own son is worth the work right?  Some days I wonder.  Anyway they did have fun and Nolan slept all night and was so HOT and Callen didn't sleep at all and froze.  I wasn't there so I can't explain that. 


 Yes Callen and Nolan are on the back of it.
 Matt may or may not have ran over this gate.  You decide.  But the evidence is pretty strong on way if you ask me.  But he said he didn't feel real bad about it since he will be the one who fixes it.

 Well Quinn I know you are sad but do you have to pout about it?  I have no idea why he was looking down in this picture.  But he was and this is what I got.  Notice if you will the dirty state of the suburban.  Quinn recently got really mad at me for getting dirt on the back window of the suburban.  But I guess it's o.k. if he does it.  He also washed it the day he got home.  Yea that has never happened in the last 15 years of marriage. 

 I was trying to get a picture of the boys sledding behind the snow cat.  I was going to video it but I haven't figure that out really.

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