Sunday, March 3, 2013

On the Road Again

That should be the title of every post.  It seems like we do a lot of traveling these days but I'm sure it's normal but it's hard to remember what it was like not to go all the time.  We went down to the DFA day in Smithfield, Utah with our friends Kent and Anne Crane.  Kent drove so I snapped a picture of the "boys" in the back seat.  I am sure you can't tell by Andrew is being purposely shy for the camera.  He totally is spoiled by Kent and Anne, hence the licorice.  We also went to Pocatello this week for a hearing test for Andrew.  We knew he could hear but we wanted to rule out if he was hard of hearing.  Well he passed in the normal range of hearing so hopefully he will talk soon.  But it was a good experience and he actually cooperated with the lady so that was a plus.

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