Sunday, March 31, 2013

What happens when you mix scissors and an almost Three year old?

Well let's just say it was bound to happen and one day it did.  (I'm pretty sure that is from a song but I'm sure I can't name it) I was fixing some birthday cupcakes and had asked Rebecca to take Andrew downstairs and play with him so that I could finish.  Well he came back up and I noticed some hair on his shirt.  I thought that was a bad sign so I asked Becca if he had scissors downstairs and she said yes.  I then asked why she thought it was a good idea to let him have scissors unattended.  She really didn't have a response except to say that she didn't think he would do anything with them.  So I looked at him and saw that he had indeed cut his own hair.  Later that night I was getting him ready for bed and had put my hand on his head and it came off with a bunch of hair on it so I then realized that he had indeed cut way more off than I had first surmised.  So I took him over and we gave him a proper hair cut.  Well not a great one but I tried to make it look better.  Oh all right so I didn't really get that done either but I'm not a professional!!!  I took a picture of the hair that came out in my hand and then one before I cut it but you can't really tell but it's right on top.  He figured he needed one more fling in before he turned three.

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