Sunday, March 17, 2013

Dog Wallup

Seriously I know some of you have inside dogs, so I don't mean to offend anyone but this is why I don't have or need an inside dog.  I already have one.  My dear daughter has taught her little brother to be a dog.  Of course it probably doesn't help that the dad calls him wally dog or dog wallup.  Or some form of dog something.  So here he is being a "dog."  He crawls around more than he ever did when he was a baby.  And he is really good at panting and barking.  Sometimes he even sits on command but not too often but then again my outside dogs don't do that even. 
 I will admit though that he is a pretty cute "dog" and he cleans up the floor just as good as a dog.  I want to put a disclaimer in here that I did not, I repeat did not tell my kid to do this.  His dad did but he did quit and clean it up like a child when I asked him too. 

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