Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013

Easter!  Well it happens that the Easter Bunny comes to our house on the Saturday before Easter Sunday.  Which happened to be Andrew and my birthday this year.  We had to do chores that morning before we could find our baskets.  The Easter Bunny left ABC eggs this year around the house.  The only child who got to gather them was Andrew because he was inside while they were all doing their chores.  He also sneaked them downstairs and ate out the centers while Nolan was "watching" him.  We need to have a little chat about "watching" your brother.  Something along the lines of actually using your eyes to "watch" him.  But I regress, sorry.  Here are the pictures of the basket finding.  The first pictures are of Andrew finding his basket in the old fridge.

 Then Thomas found his in the silver canister thing you see in the background.  And Becca found hers under her coat which you can also see in the background.
 Nolan's was pretty tricky this year!!  His was in his trombone case.  If not from help from his parents I don't think he would have found it till he went to practice it this week.
 Here is Andrew with dad learning how to use the chalk holder that he got.
 This is Becca eating candy dots off of paper.  Am I the only one who remembers those?  I used to love them.  Don't ask me why.
 So in honor of my birthday Dad is helping dye the eggs this year.  I will admit that I do not like this job not one bit!!!  (Dr. Seuss?) So I am supervising, which ended up my cleaning it all up but hey it's better than getting your fingers all dyed up.

So after the egg dying fun we went down to the ranch to "roll" our Easter eggs.  Aunt Cynthia and Zane went with us.  Adrianna was in Wyoming and Uncle Mario's dad just passed away so he was taking care of family matters.
 Once again there is Becca on Rebecca with Zane holding on behind.  No worries Zane someday you'll be up front.  I love the picture below of Quinn really struggling.  I thought it was kind of funny but this is one of the Great Uncles and he is pretty new to this kind of thing so he's doing rather well.
 So because of the MUD problem this year we went as far as the hill in Reed's pasture to try and roll eggs.  Lets just say that the snow was rather soft.  Andrew tried to climb up the hill and got stuck and Aunt Cynthia tried to rescue him and sunk in as well.  It was a nice day but not if you are trying to roll eggs on a nice crust of snow.  So after a few (two) attempts we decided to try something new this year.

 I'm calling it Sleigh Rolling.  It's going to become a national sport someday.  (You will all notice that the right corner of the sleigh is drooping quite significantly)  Quinn most graciously turned the team up the hill and so we then had a "sleigh hill" in which to roll our eggs.  Here is Zane getting on the sleigh.
 You can't tell from the picture but this is me trying to get them rolling their eggs.
 This picture is of me yelling at my dog, Maggie, to not eat the eggs before we roll them.  You could totally tell that, right?

Can you see the eggs at all?  I think you might need a magnify glass.

 Here is the cute boys Andrew and Zane.  It was kind of funny to watch them because we had Zane around for the last few days and Andrew totally did whatever Zane did.  He even ate his sandwich the same way.  Lettuce first, then the top piece of bread, and then the meat and then the pickle and then the last piece of bread. 
 Here is Thomas showing off one last time for the year.  The problem is and has been for the last 10 years the wagon is broke all up.  I confess I did it.  So when it is mud everywhere but the lane things then to get a little tough to feed.  I'm sure I'll get that fixed this year.  Ha Ha.
 So right before you go into the lane there is a little pond.  So this is a picture of the kids "sledding" in the pond.  I know you can't tell but there was a brief moment when I wonder if the water was going to go over the top of the sleigh.

So when we got up to the house we had our annual Easter Egg hunt.  It was still a little muddy in the front yard but we managed, I think.  I am still wondering if the dogs got to the eggs before we did.

 Andrew was pretty cute this year he loved it!  Nolan on the other hand is too old and became the hider.



 And no Easter is complete without the Easter Dress picture.  These were the only willing participates in the picture this year.  Of coarse this is prior to Andrew going out and getting mud all over his Sunday pants but its better than nothing!!


1 comment:

  1. Awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell Nolan good luck from Kevin.
