Sunday, March 3, 2013

Ducks Unlimited Quilt

So last year in March my husband and I went to the Ducks Unlimited Banquet in Lyman, Wyoming. Quinn's friend is in charge of it and it holds quite a bit of appeal to Quinn because you can potentially win guns.  Which is all that matters but they do feed you a great meal to boot.  So last year Quinn won a gun!!  He was pretty excited to be sure.  So he wanted me to make a quilt for it for the next year.  Well as usual my procrastinating got the better of me and I had to do this quilt in three days.  Mostly because I was pouting because I really wanted to go to Utah and see my good friend, Linda Timothy, who has flown in for the weekend from North Carolina.  Anyway since I could be there I decided to get this quilt done.  It's not super huge but I was pretty proud of myself.  It would have taken a whole day less had I not made so many mistakes.  But that is so normal to me anymore that it almost didn't phase me. 
 If you look really close in this picture you can see what Quinn made me Quilt into the quilt.  Remember his idea not mine.

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