Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Birthday Baby!!!

Happy Birthday Andrew!!  The big three.  So a few days before I was trying to get him to hold up three fingers and he did it but it was always a different three together.  It was pretty funny.  But he can say, "free" for how old he is.  I hope the speech comes pretty soon.  He is frustrated and so am I.  Anyway I decided since it was Easter celebration and our birthday we would just have cupcakes this year.  Which he loves.  Well he really just loves the frosting so I guess that's o.k.  He really wanted to blow out the candles before we sang to him but he patiently waited and then wow did he blow.  I think he's been practicing. 

So after a lovely rendition of singing Happy Birthday to Andrew they sang to me.  Yes on your birthday you do not have to do your hair or put on makeup or even really get dressed.  I of coarse did all those you just can't tell per-say. 

So I was trying really hard to capture his facial expressions as he opened his gifts.  But I think I missed most of them but it was really cute.  He was so excited!!!  He loved opening presents and was so happy with each and everyone of them.
 I love this one!!!  His eyes and mouth would get so wide and he would let out a big, Augh!!!

I know what you are thinking.  Blokus?  For a three year old?  But listen he gets into mine and loses and hides all the pieces so I'm taking the complete one and he can have the missing pieces one.  He loves to put the pieces on the game board and make a "picture."  Maybe he'll be a doctor someday and support his old and poor parents.  I know I can always dream.
 Did I mention that he really only likes the frosting?  Well if I didn't I need to say it again.  He really loves the frosting.  He could leave the cake behind and be happy!!
 Ok disclaimer.  I am totally not a professional.  I am sorry this is sideways.  It will give you a chance to stretch your neck muscles.

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