Sunday, March 31, 2013

Rebecca Style!!

I'm sure this is a little known fact but we have a horse named, Rebecca.  The horse actually came before the little Rebecca that we fondly call Becca.  At the time of naming the horse I just liked the name and thought it was cool.  Then a couple of months ago Quinn came in and asked me what my Great-Grandma Rebecca's son's names were.  I told him that she only had one son and his name is Donny.  Then he asked me who Wally was.  I said that he was my Great-Uncle that was married to my grandma's sister Belva.  So at the time I thought this was an interesting conversation but I was fairly busy so I kind of forgot about it.  That is till Thomas (he tells me everything, I can trust him) came in saying something about Donny and Wally.  I quickly learned that Quinn had named the Male horses (one being Rebecca's son) Donny and Wally.  I thought it was great actually and reminded him that we have a picture on our wall of my Great Grandpa Staker with work horses.  I think he would approve.  So that was a long story that doesn't really go along with these pictures but I thought it was kind of pertinent so there it is.  So here are some pictures of said horse Rebecca with various passengers.
 Another story.  Becca was distraught at her dad on Tuesday that she didn't get to ride on Rebecca while he was going down to the ranch.  (Apparently this is what happens when she goes to the ranch)  Quinn wasn't going that day and so she was upset.  (Remember that she is a girl and the only girl and totally has dad wrapped around her finger) So dad went and got Rebecca and put a saddle on her so that Little Rebecca could ride her.  This would be the first time she has had a saddle on her but she behaved herself.  Andrew wanted a little ride so he got to go along as well.

 Then, much to my surprise, he turned her loose all by herself.  Lets just say that she did not get her horse riding skills from her mother.  Or her desire to ride.  But I will admit here that I love to ride the Perchrons.  They are great to ride and so smooth.  Plus they have a wider back that helps me stay on.  I have been giving Quinn a hard time lately about when he dies the horses are the first thing to go.  But I do have a little soft spot for these horses.  I have a few horses that will be gone within the hour.  Any guesses which ones? 

 There she goes.  I was a tad on the nervous side but after being married to Quinn for 15 years I should totally be used to this.
 I thought this was a cute picture of the three kids all in Red sitting on Rebecca. 

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