Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Poor Nolan

It's never good when Dad leaves for a day.  I am knocking on wood as I say this since he is up with the scouts right now trying to make some ice caves.  But Nolan and Thomas are with him so I'm sure all will be well.  So like I was saying when dad leaves "things" happen around here.  This time it was poor Nolan.  He was trying to get a calf back into a pen (that I said should be torn down this summer) and it was a little slick and he fell onto the edge of a metal trough.  By the time I got to him he wasn't crying so I wasn't sure how hurt he was.  But his ever faithful sidekick, Thomas, came to the rescue.  He went into the Quonset and found the crutches dad used last January for his broken toe.  So then (Becca is my informant) Nolan carried his buckets in each hand with the crutch under his arm pit.  I guess I should have gone and helped out more.  But as you can see in the picture (if you look really close) he has a bruise by his knee and it is a little swollen.  But that was on Saturday and now it's Tuesday and he is getting along good enough to drive the snowmobile and run from the car into the house.  So I think he'll live.  But I'm sure he would appreciate some sympathy.



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