Sunday, March 24, 2013

Shop Hopping in Wyoming

This post is mostly for Linda Timothy so the rest of you can delete if you want to.  I went on the 22nd over to Wyoming and went to a few Quilt shops.  I really needed a little girls day out and it proved to be lots of fun.  The first shop was in Kemmerer, Wyoming in the Ace Hardware store.  You wouldn't think that it would have a great fabric store but it does.  This is the outside.
 This is the inside.
 This is Kathy Smith looking very surprised that I took a picture of her.
 Then we went to Green River, which has two shops and this was my favorite.  They also had a really great sale on so that's even better.  Michele Lyon came over and saw us.  It was fun!!
 This is a display at the Quilt shop in Urie, Wyoming called Valley Fabric.  It is probably my most favorite store ever.  I took this picture because I really want to do this to one of my doors this year.
 So Linda, these pictures are showing you how to use up your scraps!!   Yea for no new projects just ones to use up what we have got.  This is called Scrappy Trip around the world.  And it totally is cute!! 
 Here is another version of the same quilt.
 And another one.
 So the big thing right now is Chevron.  And yes I had no idea what that was.  But this is it.  They also have printed fabrics like this but this one uses up scraps.  You can make the Chevron any size width.
 Another Chevron.
 This was the Disappearing four patch!!  What a great way to use up precut charm packs.

 I know you don't believe me but this is the same thing only with 10 inch squares.
 Also another disappearing pattern called a Disappearing Nine patch.  Same concept just more of it.

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