Sunday, March 17, 2013


I ask myself that question very frequently.  Mostly Why do my kids do what they do?  And there is no answer so I should quit asking the question.  So tonight as I was trying to write my blog posts my dear son Nolan took the camera and got this shot.  I am not super impressed with pictures of myself so I thought I would not put it in here but he really wanted me too.  So here it is and hopefully the last of the pictures of me.  It makes me realize a few things though.  One I am getting old.  And two I am getting old.  O.k. so that's really only one thing.  My oldest baby will be twelve this year (actually in only 5 months) and he will be in Quinn's scouting group and he will be so old.   Well not really but to me he will be.  So here is a picture that he took that is in focus so that is real progress for him. 

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