Sunday, March 24, 2013

Pine Wood Derby 2013

 Well there's nothing like a Pine Wood Derby!!  It was a fun night and Thomas enjoyed himself and that is what matter's most.  Last year he won so it's only fair that he didn't win this year.  Last year we were frantically getting the cars ready at the last minute (do you remember that Robert?) and this year we were done a whole hour before it started.  Progress, right?!  So Thomas really wanted his car to be a truck and haul a loader so that's what we did.  I am sure the boys enjoy the after racing more than the actual race.  This picture here is of the "Weigh In"  Quinn was the "Trackmaster" so he was in charge of the weigh in and putting the cars on the track.  There might have been some murmuring in the ranks about the trackmaster.  It might have been his wife even.  Mostly I had to remind him that it is always less trouble to run the cars twice a race on a different track each time.  He remembered pretty quick so it all turned out o.k.

 Quinn helping Summit Higley and Jaxon Crane and Rhett Lloyd.
 Jayden Pierson and Thomas showing me their cars.
 Here is the Cheering section, at least I think that was what they were doing.  Becca is on the left then Taylie Neal, and Cassidy Higley, and Jimmy Lloyd and Paisley Lloyd.

 Here they are lined up.  Dakota Phelps was the green one and Thomas was the one in the center and the one on the right we can't remember who's it was.





























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