Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Kind of Present

So we just got done with Valentine's day and Quinn and I happened to be in the airport and we saw lots of guys with flowers in their hands.  It was cute but lets just say this gal works a different way.  Just ask Quinn.  He is still shaking his head over today.  Oh and I've had two calls with the IRS in the last week so I'm a little on the down side so this was the perfect pick me up today.  So I went with my dear husband to take cull cows to Lewiston, Utah today.  It was a little last minute decision for me to go but I went (to make sure Quinn didn't hit anything or drive off the rode or get distracted by something along side the road).  So after we dropped the cows off Quinn needed a few things in Preston so we were getting those and he suddenly remembered that he needed a culver down at the ranch (I'm pretty sure I've mentioned the "Sweetwater" in an earlier post), so I greatly encouraged him to get a culvert because I'm the one who smashed the culvert this summer in the 4850 (It's a little wide truth be told).  So we went to the local scrap metal junk yard.  Lets just Quinn might never take me back but I now know where the "pile" is.  So I'm sitting in the truck with Andrew and I look up and the big crane thing is picking up metal and putting into the scrap truck. So I see that there are a bunch of wheels off of an old planter.  So Quinn comes up to the truck and I begged him to go get them for me before they became scrap.  He rolled his eyes and then said, "No, you don't want those."  I then was sad but I was looking around anyway and saw this awesome tub thing beside the truck.  So I hollered out to Quinn that since he didn't love me enough to save those wheels then I wanted the tub.  So he asked the guy if it was for sale and it was so, YEA I got a planter.  (I should mention here that Quinn is already plotting how to keep it from me by making it into a water trough)  So then in the distance I saw an old tractor wheel.  So I asked very sweetly that instead of flowers I would really like that wheel.  So Quinn went and talked to the guys with the cutting torches and found out there is a whole pile of wheels.  So I happily walked over and WOW is there ever a pile.  Let's just say we will be going back when it thaws out a little (My birthday is coming up).  So I am super excited about my "finds".  I also think after 15 years of marriage I stumped my husband.  He thinks I'm pretty weird but hey I can make an awesome fence out of all these old wheels. 
 Here is a close up of some of the wheels.  Wish me luck!  It's going to be a fun summer when I put it all together!!

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