Sunday, March 31, 2013






 Well it was our Spring Break this week and we pretty much worked all week.  Except for Nolan who got to go up to Grandma and Poppa's house and play a little.  But we did take a few hours off to go up on the snowmobiles to Lightening Peak.  These are a few pictures I took but realize I don't have a powerful enough camera to get very good shots.  Sorry!!  But it was a blast and we took Thomas up with us.  Uncle Morgan and his son Payden came up with us.  Aunt Camie took care of Rebecca and Andrew for us!!  Thanks!!

 This is actually a shot of Baldy.  Robert can you tell where I'm at?
 You can't hardly see but Morgan is coming up after that one corner that sometimes is a little hard.  I know I'm so good at descriptions.
 I stopped on the narrow part to take a picture of the Quakies that we go up through
 O.K. so this is a better shot of Morgan and then Quinn on my snowmobile coming up from going down to help him.
 Here is a shot of Lightening right at the point where you can go off to the right to go to Baldy or to the left and go to Lightening.

 See from here it doesn't look like a steep mountain but lets just say there is a point at the top that it is fairly steep.  At least I think so.

 This is taken from in the bottom.  I remember the first time I came up here I think that Taller tree in the bottom was half that size, or maybe my brain is getting forgetful.

 Here is Quinn trying to show off a little and he totally got stuck!!1

 So here's a story.  We took the sled up with us and Thomas rode down it a couple times but wouldn't let me take him up very far.  Then he climbed up to the TOP just walking and then came back down sledding on his bottom.

 This is a shot of Thomas at the very top with his dad watching him make the final accent.
 Quinn wanted me to get a shot of this.  I thought it was kind of cool.  He is a nice dad.  I don't like to take riders with me.  Mostly because I can hardly handle it by myself.











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