Sunday, January 13, 2013

Annual New Year's Eve Sleigh Ride

So that's a lengthy title but this is a lengthy post.  I meant to get these on the posted like the day after but we had a few things get in the way and then this week I've been sick and posted other pictures and finally realized that I had failed to get these posted.  And they really need to be done.  So sorry about that.  So tradition (I guess) is that we go the ranch on the sleigh on this day.  So we loaded up a lot of us (close to 28 I think) and went to the ranch.  It was a crisp day but not too bad.  I left Andrew home with Uncle Erik and he was a great babysitter.  Just ask him.
 Here are the troops trying to make it up on the hill.  Uncle Justin was doing a great job being the pack horse.  Alex is in the sleigh. 
 Here is a frontal view of the trip up the hill.  I can tell that Becca is in the front with Eneli behind her and the girl in pink is Allie and the girl to the left of Justin is Kirsten, other than that you are on your own. 
 Quinn totally stole my camera or you would not be seeing this picture.  I'm not sure why I posted it but I think it was to show Uncle Mario with his really warm hat on.
 These three figure if the huddled together really tight they would stay warm.  I'm sure they did.  But I think that Aunt Amy and Aunt Lori and I were warmer down below them.
 Here we go.  Or maybe here we almost go.
 AUNT SLADIE!!  O.k. so that's not her name but it's the one that comes to mind most readily.
 Here we go for sure this time. 

 Here are the sleigh riders behind the big sleigh.  I had a hard time trying to take this picture while I was holding onto the back bale.
 The kids took a little break from the work and did a little sleighing off the old House hill
 Here's the contest!!  Where is Alex in this picture?

 The real reason I should get these posted really soon is so that I can remember why I took the picture.  I have a funny feeling that Uncle Quinn did something to Kirsten but it escapes my memory.
 Anneliese is so comfy.  It looks like she is taking a nap.
 What's a Jenson outing without a pony or two?  We couldn't have that so Nolan took a "little sleigh" to the ranch.  The kids enjoyed riding on it.

 Quinn What are you doing?  He's trying to buck them out of the sleigh but he bought that sleigh because it doesn't tip over at all.

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