Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Sled Driving Baby

I know I've really got to stop calling him baby but he is my baby and I still call Nolan my baby.  It's my way of remembering when they were cute and cuddly and didn't talk back.  Anyway I heard some commotion outside (o.k. so Quinn called me) and I went out and saw this cute boy driving the team.  He thinks he is so big.  I don't even like to drive the team and look at him go.  All by himself no less. 

 Oh wait! What is that?  The big hum daddy was there the whole time!  Like you didn't know that.  We started them off pretty young around here but that's a little too young don't you think? 

I wish Fluffy(the spotted draft horse on the left) and Rebecca were a little softer on their starts and stops.  Then maybe my baby could drive the team by himself. 

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