Sunday, January 20, 2013

One Tough Momma

We have an ongoing problem in our house.  My oldest son seems to forget how tough I am.  I think he thinks that he will outgrow me (I still am taller but only by three inches, but he has a bigger foot than me) and be somehow magically tougher.  I like to "show" him once in awhile how much tougher I am.  I keep telling him I can still drop him to his knees but I have to "show" him in other ways. 
 See how tough I am Nolan?  I am totally tough enough to carry you around for 9 months and I can still pack you for a few seconds.  Wow am I tough!!
 Nolan really wanted to go shooting after Thanksgiving last year.  He just kept harassing us about it.  (O.k. so maybe, just maybe I was the one who wanted to go shooting.  Mostly so I could show him up)  So we went down to the ranch and as usual we were with the setting of the sun.  But we shot a little skeet and for once I shot a few.  I am more of a rifle shooter and so the shotgun has more of an adjustment.  Nolan is a natural on the shotgun.  He can outshoot me generally but not that day!!!

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