Wednesday, January 16, 2013


So You know it's cold when your nose hair's freeze together when you are waiting for the bus.  Of course we only get out of school if it is -20 at the radio station which is the hot spot of the Valley, I swear.  But nonetheless it's been cold no matter what the thermometer says.  The wind chill is always a factor here too.  So I have decided that since my thermometer is off there are a few indicators that it's cold. 
1.  Your nose hairs stick together
2.  Your water troughs don't run
3.  Your kids stay in front of the pellet stove and won't move
4.  If the door gets left open for more than 2 seconds your house plants start to wilt
5.  When you go to turn the water on and it doesn't come on
The last one is what happened recently at our house.  I was doing dishes (nothing new there) and I kept burning my hands and then I realized that there was only hot water coming on and no cold.  I thought that was odd.  So I went into the other areas of the house that are connected to that water supply and they all had cold water so I told Quinn and he determined that only my cold water was frozen.  So He had to "Crawl" into the crawlspace to thaw my pipes.  I couldn't pass up the opportunity to catch a few pictures.
 "It's times like these that I wish we would have put in a basement under the new addition." (Quinn)

 "Hey, Quinn!  How's is going in there?  Good thing we insulated the floor, hu?"
 Thomas really really wanted to get in there with his dad.  He is really into that sort of thing.  I am not!
 Here is the dismount!  I'm sorry the pictures are a little blurry I was laughing so hard that I couldn't hold still.  Plus I have a cough and I couldn't breath through the laughter.

Nice Dismount Quinn!

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