Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sleighs R US

 At the Jenson's its daily life to take the team down to the "ranch" with the big sleigh.  And more than likely there are a few little sleigh's behind the big one.  Lately the boys have been "surfing" behind the sleigh.  Thomas is doing pretty good here.

It is very deceiving!!  This looks really comfy cozy but be forwarded snow is only soft right after it snows.  But hey Nolan makes everything look cool.
 So we have this donkey named Scout.  He is definitely a real asset to the place.  He tends to not stay in the pasture that he's put in and he tends to be a real pain to catch.  But here he is in all his glory and Becca totally claims him as her own.  I'm not sure why.  Andrew on the other hand is not o.k. with this arrangement. 
I think the Daddy gives him a little more confidence.

 Yes it's me in the sleigh.  It can't be helped.  Every year I think it looks like so much fun and relaxing and maybe easier than trying to stay on the big sleigh every time the horses decide to just start and not tell you they are starting.  But I went ahead and decided to "jump" in with the two little ones.  If you can't tell they are both "sleeping."  I use that pretty loosely because there is no way they are sleeping.  But Andrew loves to pretend he's sleeping.  He scrunches up his little nose and closes his eyes really tight.  He even likes to pretend snore by breathing heavily.  It's pretty cute.

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