Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Bale Rolling

 A Typical Day includes going to the "Ranch" which means the farm ground portion of our farm.  This consists of a lane that is about a mile long and because we live here in snow heaven that means the lane is drifted in and our only way to feed down at the ranch is to take the team and sleigh.  Quinn has had some ingenious ideas and this was one of them.  But lets say it took a couple trial runs before it all worked out.  Uncle Morgan built the feeder a few years ago, the side drops down so that you can roll the bales in.
Quinn pulled up by it but got a little too close.
So he had to do a little pushing....well him and a few others like the mighty Viking, Erik, and Reed Jenson and Nolan and Benjamin Jenson
 Push Quinn, PUSH!!!!  I am still trying to see if he was really pushing or not
 They got it pushed over and so he could go forward with the sleigh and then roll the bales in.

It kind of looks like the big hum daddy is pushing this bale in all by himself.  I'm sure he would like you to believe that but alas it's not true.  You just can see the others.  So....One down One to go.

 Here comes number two.  Push BOYS!!
 Yea!!  They both fit.  Wow that is a tight fit if you ask me.

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