Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Doctor's Visit

Well if you didn't know this already I am not the sympathetic parent in this family.  When Thomas hurt is shoulder (see previous post about Nolan's feet) I figured he hadn't really done that much to it because he wasn't in a LOT of pain only when someone touched his shoulder.  So on Monday when dad went to go get the kids up for school Thomas laid on the, "I'm hurting I can't go to school today" charm.  So his dad being the really really nice dad that he is (Wait! he is the parent that caused all this!) said no son you don't have to go to school now let's go tell your mom.  So I said o.k. well I will take him to the chiropractor and see what he says.  So I loaded up Andrew and Thomas and we went in.  The chiropractor didn't think that the collarbone was broken so he tried to put the arm back in because it was teetering on being out so he told me if the pain didn't get better in a few days to call him.  So I sent poor Thomas to school on Tuesday and figured he was good to go.  When he got home from school he kept complaining about the shoulder so I called the chiropractor and he said that I should call the doctor and get an x-ray done.  So I called and they could see us this morning.  So I took the little stinker (seen in the photo below: He was hiding behind the table in the doctors office) with us and he was all over the place.  He is not allowed out in public. 
 So needless to say the doctor sent us over to get x-ray's done and sure enough the collarbone was broke on the right side.  I could even see it (Aunt Lynsey Thomas has a hundred million questions for you.  I told him to call you but I figured it was too late tonight) and I'm not an expert.  So we went back to the doctor's office and he put Thomas in this brace.  Let's just say Thomas is not amused!  He is not a willing patient.  As I write this he is protesting very loudly about wearing the brace.  But it could be worse.  The fracture is not split open and is laying how it should be so that is good.  (don't you love all my technical terms)  So it's just another day at the Jenson Farm.  Oh so I texted his dad and asked him what he was going to get Thomas for breaking his collarbone (Quinn's dad "helped" in breaking Quinn's leg so he got him a puppy) so since we have so many dogs his dad got him a b-b gun instead.  It's too bad he can't use it for the next few weeks. 

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