Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Riders R Us

Quinn had to call me when I was working so hard on returning his clutch pack(so we could get our refund) to take these pictures.  Uncle Mario, Aunt Cynthia, Zane, Quinn, and Becca all went to the ranch on Monday.  Thomas stayed home with me because his shoulder hurt.  So here is Quinn with Becca on Fluffy.  Don't you just love how I'm a professional photographer and you can see the semi in the background?  I'm good.  And incredibly humble about it too.
 Here is Quinn with Becca and Cynthia with Zane.  Cynthia is riding on Rebecca (not to be confused with my daughter, the horse)  They were having a good time.
 I just couldn't resist posting this one of Zane.  If you will look closely there is a tongue sticking out.  I thought it was hilarious.  Go Zane!! Your Aunt Jen always has her tongue sticking out.
 I asked so very nicely for Quinn to move out of the shadows so I could take a decent picture.  He apparently thought that I was being rude and just left.  (Actually his horse was not what you would call cooperative)
 Cynthia is so much nicer than Quinn.  She stayed where I wanted her too for this picture.  Thanks!!

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