Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Boys ride to the Ranch

So I need to preface this post with some information.  On Sunday Aunt Dawn's mom passed away.  She had been suffering from a Brain tumor.  She was one of the best ladies on earth.  She was so kind and very nice to everyone.  I think if we all grew up to be like her the earth would be a very very good place.  So I sent Quinn to get the kids so that Aunt Dawn could concentrate on different things.  So we took them to the ranch, which we have to do everyday.  It's just one of those things.  So I took lots and lots of pictures for those who weren't with us.
 Here is Mark Jenson and Logan Petersen in the sleigh.
 Here is cute little Joshua.  He's very photogenic and has absolutely no fear!!!  I hope he keeps that for the rest of his life.  It will come in handy later on.
 Nolan and Wyatt Petersen and looking warm but trust me it really is deceiving.
 THIS IS AN IMPORTANT PICTURE!!!!!  Erik Petersen is on the sleigh.  This happens rarely so enjoy the sight.  Love you Erik!!
 Here are the kids in the sleighs behind the big sleigh.  I really tried hard to get a good shot of them all but you see a recurring theme in these pictures.  I'll give you a hint.  The boy in the fur orange hat is constantly pulling or pushing or trying to get someone with snow.  If its hard to count let me do it for you.  There are 8 and I mean 8 Jenson boys on those sleighs.  It doesn't matter you're last name is Jenson as long as you have a little Jenson blood in you then you are Jenson boy. 

 Nolan and Wyatt Petersen
 Reed and Joshua Jenson
Thomas blocking Logan and Mark Jenson.  Benjamin is beside him.

 See what I mean.  Every picture has that little culprit in it.  If it is any consulation to the parents reading this I tried, I mean I really tried to get him to stop.  But it seems that when a Jenson boy gets going they just won't quit.  Plus I was taking pictures while trying to stay on a sleigh and if you know me you know that is quite an accomplishment.
 I love that Quinn is pointing off into the distance like he talking about something important.
 I had to run ahead of the sleigh which was no easy endeavor.  Can you see my really deep footprints?  I trudged and trudged just so that you all could have these pictures.
Can you totally see Thomas throwing snow after I expressly told them all not to throw now on each other.

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