Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Kitchen Help

 There is something to be said for Kitchen help.  I get so little of it that I just take what I can get. (I'm not saying Erik, the Viking, wasn't a lot of help, because he totally was, FOR REAL!! Even if he denies it later I have the proof.)  I took a picture of my help because they three are all born in the same year and they all seem to have some of the same mannerisms.  Jacob is on the edge eating a whole loaf of bread by himself.  It was really cute.  Andrew is next and he is just contemplating the universe while eating a roll.  Then there is cute little Landon by who is eating a roll thinking why is this lady always taking my picture.
 Erik, I had to post this.  Your legs are looking good!!
Here are a few more helpers.  Allie is standing in the back (she really is a helper) and then Joshua, then Anneliese and Becca and then Landon on the bar.

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