Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Cisco Fishing

So if you don't already know this Bear Lake has one fish that can be found no where else.  It's our claim to fame along with the Bear Lake Monster.  So to catch these fish you have to go at a certain time during the winter (January or February) when the ice is on the lake.  They you go to Cisco Bay (on the East side of the Lake on the Utah side) and take these big nets (which I didn't get a picture of) and then just scoop up these little critters.  On Thursday the 24th my wonderful husband decided that him and the boys would go cisco fishing the next morning.  So much for the piano lessons that I had scheduled.  So the boys got up at 7:00 a.m. and headed out to the Lake.  They met up with Joel Teusher and his son.  So I was not there so all of this is a little second hand but I think its fairly accurate.  So they got to the lake and went out on the ice.  Then the got their nets out and scoop up their limit in very little time.  When the cisco are "running" or is it "swimming" they are plentiful so it doesn't take long. 
Here are the "dead cisco.  They thought that mom was going to clean them up and cook them for them.  They soon learned that this is not the case.

These are the live cisco that they took down to the ranch and put into the new water troughs.  I saw them they do exist and seem to be enjoying the troughs.

 Apparently someone didn't tell me the whole story about the trip till he got home.  I realized that he didn't have a real "sock" on only a poor man's substitute.  He broke through the ice and fell in.  Lucky for him he was only in 2 feet of water.

 Andrew was really excited when the boys came home. (I think he doesn't much like being with the girls all day) He couldn't quit "talking" about the fish.  Thomas was kind enough to "show" him one.

 Nolan thought that he would show off a live one.  I don't know how much longer it lived since it was out in the air and cold.
 Here's the BOYS.  I do mean boys.  They were all equally excited about the fishing trip. 
The boys insisted that I post this picture of the guts and heads.  I was not as amused with this.  But I didn't have to clean them and Quinn came in later that night and cooked them up.  The kids really liked the fish.  Me, not so much.

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