Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Family Bonding

 Since we had a few extra bodies over the holiday we let the kids sleep together.  Here is a cute picture of Becca and Anneliese "sleeping" but as you can tell the light is on so I'm pretty sure they are not sleeping.  But they were pretty excited about sleeping together in Aunt Amy's rom.
 And here are the BOYS...So let me count for you since I don't want you to get the number wrong.  7 Jenson boys all in one room.  I know that is a record or something since there are only 5 original Jenson boys and that means we beat their number by 2.  So it goes Wyatt, Logan, Thomas, Mark, Nolan, Reed, and Benjamin (on the cot)  They had way to much fun sleeping in the downstairs living room.  And it was a tight fit but they made it work. 

 Really Thomas?  Since you didn't suck your thumb in your previous life I doubt that you are starting to now.
 Mark was a little on the shy side.  So we just got a little peep out of him.
 Nolan of course is showing off for the camera with Reed nearby "sleeping" once again I'm pretty sure he was not sleeping.
 Benjamin is way to comfy on his cot.  I don't think he ever took that hat off.
 Logan, really?  You might regret that face someday.
You too Wyatt.  I might bring these picture out when you decide to get married.

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