Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How we Ride

So if you can't tell I'm definitely not taking this picture.  Bless his heart, Quinn did.  Last year we got so little snow that we didn't even break out the MY snowmobile.  But not this one, Quinn was a little tired of the "snow" vehicles being in his way in the shed.  He decided to park the expensive tractors under the shed instead of the snowmobiles.  Good Choice! (by the way this is how I like to travel during the snowy months)

Have you ever heard of the movie, "Cool Hand Luke?"  I have seen it and I don't really think it applies to Nolan but whenever I see him standing or "lounging" like this I think to myself there is Cool Hand Luke.  Don't ask me why but I think it's because he is just so non-caring about it all.  He acts like it anyhow.

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