Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Year's Eve Jenson Style

So I feel like I should say something about these next photos but maybe they just talk for themselves.
 On this day we had 31 people in our house.  Dawn and Jacob came a little later so technically I only fed 29.  So here is a shot of the Table Crew.  It's pretty cute that the only one who looked at me was Sawyer.
 Here is the Bar Crew.  They all seemed to be enjoying their food.
 OK so finally somebody looked at me!!  Thank you Eneli.  Don't you love how I always get pictures with everyone's mouth full?
 And of Course you have to have a BOY table.  Poor Thomas and Mark had to sit at the bar though.
 Another shot of the TABLE.  See Quinn it isn't big enough.  I guess we'll just have to remodel.
 HEY ERIK, how's it going on your side of the table?  I'm sorry I'm shouting but it's hard to hear you from that far away.
So sorry to all the Jenson's who missed out on all this.  I hope these pictures help you feel less left out.

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