Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Blood and Mishaps

At this house it is not uncommon for a certain Dad to walk in and call for me and then tell me that I had better come check this out.  It also never fails that I am slightly queasy and say something to the effect of, "I am NOT a Nurse!"  That's how it starts then it goes down hill from there.  This time Quinn actually had to wash himself up while I tried to find the superglue.  The children have been getting into my stash.  So I cleaned up pretty good and at least it doesn't bleed as much as a head wound.  We (I mean me) didn't even have any further mishaps with the superglue.  Usually some other appendage gets stuck to the face when I do this.

It's similar to a scope scar just in the wrong spot.  But pretty cool looking don't you think?

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