Friday, January 11, 2013

Two little Munchkins

 Let me just say this first.  You'll notice Amy's child is dressed and ready to go and mine on the other hand is only half dressed.  Wow I guess I'm getting really old.  Wait I remember I was not feeling that great that day that's why I only got half the job done.  So these two were hilarious.  (By the way the cabinet guys really didn't like my window seat idea, here is proof that it was needed) They were sitting on the window seat by the kitchen taking all the pillows off and putting them on the floor then taking them off the floor and putting them back on the window seat.  It was pretty cute and they were getting along swimmingly.  Then they decided to take a little reading break from all that hard work.  So since Landon actually talks he designated himself as the "reader" of the book and Andrew as the "listener"  It was so cute!  They were actually "reading" and it kept them entertained for at least a few minutes. 

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