Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cowboy Boots and Basketball

Well I have much to write about this week and very little to "show"  We have all been under the weather and mostly me so that means not so many pictures have been taken.  But regardless I did have one to show of our mishaps this week.  Nolan had Scouts on Thursday night.  I was at Quilt Guild so I wasn't here when he left.  I have been on him lately about the boots that he has been wearing.  They were slip on cowboy boots that he has successfully demolished.  I actually can fit into them so one day a few months ago I put them on to run outside.  He is always doing that to me so I thought I would return the favor.  I only made it to the garage and back once.  They were horrible!!!  It felt like I was walking on glass and barefoot.  I couldn't believe that he would wear them.  So we got him another pair of lace up boots.  Well he was wearing them pretty good most of the year but the last few weeks he has gotten really lazy and so needless to say he has been "slipping" these slip on boots.  So when he got home from Scouts he told his dad that his feet hurt.  He had been playing basketball (on carpet no less) and his feet hurt.  So he slipped his boots off and (If you can't tell I am only repeating this second hand) his socks were all bloody.  I don't have a picture of that so rest assured.  He managed to completely remove the skin on both feet on the ball of his foot right under his big toe.  To say he has been limping would be an understatement.  This is how our conversations have gone the last few days.
Mom:  Nolan would you please empty the dishwasher for me?
Nolan: Sorry mom but my feet hurt.
Mom:  Nolan could you put your clean clothes away?
Nolan:  Sorry mom but my feet hurt.
Mom:  Nolan could you practice your piano?
Nolan:  Sorry mom but my feet hurt.
Mom:  Nolan could you study your science?
Nolan:  Sorry mom but my feet hurt.
I could go on for hours with the responses but I won't bore you too much.  So needless to say he has been hurting this weekend.  I should of taken the picture earlier but this is what you get with a sick mom.  If you look closely you can see the missing skin especially on the right foot (left in the picture).  I think he will live though.
O.k. so another mishap for the week and I don't have a picture.  But if you'll remember the post about the round bales that we had to push into the feeder you'll remember a picture of the sleigh being to close to the feeder and we had to push it over.  Well Thomas went down to the ranch to feed with his dad, Alma, and Nolan and his friend, Jayden.  Well I guess when they went to tip the ton bale into the feeder the sleigh tipped and that caused Thomas to fall down into that crack between the sleigh and the feeder.  Then the bale rocked back and pinned him underneath.  Needless to say I probably wouldn't have gotten a picture anyway because I would have been screaming and running around hysterically.  But to say we've been blessed would be an understatement.  I guess Thomas has more questions that he needs to ask. 

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